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Cleaner concentrate 1 litre bottle

Cleaner concentrate 1 litre bottle

The Multipurpose Concentrated Cleaner is supplied in 1 litre bottles which is enough to make approximately 13 litres of cleaning solution.


Directions for use
Use cloth, mop or spray directly on to the affected area.


Spray around urinal bowl from outside to inside, wipe off excess with a damp cloth.


Toilet bowls
Pour into bowl, brush and flush clean


Add 1 measure (approximately 25ml) of concentrate to a bucket of water and mop floor clean.


As part of a comprehensive cleaning and hygiene regimen for the WhiffAway Waterless Urinal, the WhiffAway Waterless Urinal Multi-purpose Concentrated Cleaner (WMC), which has been developed specifically for hard surface cleaning of restroom areas, will also aid in eliminating general foul odours at their source.


The advanced biological action cleaner has natural components to dissolve calcium carbonates and uric acid crystals in addition to microorganisms that break down organic trash. This reduces the need for the dangerous chemicals and corrosive acids that are typically used to remove deposit buildup.

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